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Pablo Picasso

Málaga, Spanien

Mougins, Frankreich

Work data


Oil on canvas


Image: 130 × 97,3 × 2,3 cm
Frame: 153,8 × 121,3 × 10,5 cm


Bez. u.l.: "Picasso 33"; verso a.d. Keilrahmen: "Picasso 20 Fevrier M.CM.XXXIII"

Accession Number


Catalogue Raisonné

Zervos 8/91

Acquisition year



Little is known about the whereabouts of the painting “Nu assis” by Pablo Picasso after its creation in 1933. For the year 1946, it can be traced to Valentine Dudensing’s Valentine Gallery in New York, which, however, ceased its activities in 1948. There are also indications that the work can be found with Pierre Loeb, owner of Galerie Pierre, around 1957. At an unknown date between 1946 and 1971, it was also in the J. K. Thannhauser Gallery in New York. As there is no evidence of ownership, it is possible that the work remained in the artist’s possession until Picasso’s death in 1973 and was only held by the galleries on consignment. The Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen purchased the painting “Nu assis” from Galerie Rosengart for its holdings in 1974.

Credit line

Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf

  • Picasso Surrealismus Werke von 1925 - 1937, 14.9.-14.12.1991, Kunsthalle Bielefeld
  • Picasso Sculptor/Painter, 15.2.-7.5.1994, Tate Gallery, London
  • La Sculpture des Peintres, 1.7.-18.10.1997, Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul
  • Von Matisse bis Picasso. Hommage an Siegfried Rosengart, 18.6.-10.9.1988, Kunstmuseum Luzern
  • 1946. L'art de la Reconstruction, 27.6.-19.10.1996, Musée Picasso, Antibes
  • Unser 20. Jahrhundert - Meisterwerke von Picasso bis Beuys, 14.7.-28.10.2000, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf
  • La Révolution surréaliste/Surrealismus 1919-1944. Dalí, Max Ernst, Magritte, Miró, Picasso ..., 19.7.-23.11.2002, K20 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf
  • Picasso - Badende, 17.6.-15.10.2005, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
  • Die Skulpturen der Maler. Malerei und Plastik im Dialog, 4.7.-25.10.2008, Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden
  • Frauen. Picasso, Beckmann, de Kooning, 29.3.-14.7.2012, Pinakothek der Moderne, München
  • Picasso - Frauen und Männer, 23.10.2015-7.3.2016, Buchheim Museum, Bernried
  • museum global. Mikrogeschichten einer ex-zentrischen Moderne/museum global. Microhistories of an Ex-centric Modernism, 9.11.2018-9.3.2019, K20 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Grabbeplatz

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Further literature on the works in the collection can be found in our special library for art of the 20th- and 21st-centuries:

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