Collection Online


Provider Identification

The Stiftung Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen is a foundation under private law, represented by the directors Prof. Dr. Susanne Gaensheimer and Julia Niggemann.

The foundation is listed in the administrative district of Düsseldorf under the registration number 15.2.1–St. 244.

The address of the headquarters is:
Stiftung Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen
Grabbeplatz 5
40213 Düsseldorf

The website can be accessed at:

The foundation can be contacted electronically at:
service [​at​]

The Stiftung Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen can be reached by telephone and fax at:
Tel. +49 (0)211 8381-204
Fax +49 (0)211 8381-201

Our VAT identification number: DE 172 65 36 09

Online Dispute Resolution platform provided by the European Commission:

Concept and Design:
Stan Hema

Technical implementation:

Disclaimer / Limitation of Liability

We have carefully compiled the information contained on this website and make every effort to continually review and update it. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, currency, completeness or uninterrupted availability of our content. We also do not guarantee that the content of our website is suitable for the user and his or her purposes. We provide binding information, advice, recommendations or explanations only in the context of individual communication. We do not adopt the content of other providers as our own in any way. This applies even if we refer to such content in the form of hyperlinks. The content, design and structure of our website are protected by copyright. The information, texts and images provided by us are only intended for individual access by the user of our website and may only be reproduced and used for business purposes with our consent. The setting of hyperlinks, in particular deep links, inline links or links in frame technology, to one of our web pages is only permitted with our prior written consent. We reserve the right to change, supplement, shorten or discontinue our website at any time. Our website is intended for the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany and has been created on the basis of the German legal system. We do not intend our website to be accessed from outside Germany. We assume no liability that our website is suitable, usable or legally permissible for users from other countries.


The information contained under Collection Online has been carefully compiled. However, no liability can be accepted for its correctness, completeness or currency.


All information and images published on Collection Online are protected by copyright.

We make every effort to carefully identify all copyright holders. If any copyright holders feel that they have not been adequately considered in individual cases, we ask that they contact the museum.

Gender-Inclusive Language

The Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen strives to include and address people of all backgrounds in its communications, regardless of gender identity, nationality, ethnic and social origin, religion, disability, age or sexual orientation. This is intended to reflect the diversity of our society. The Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen sees the use of gender-sensitive language as part of its commitment to equal rights.

General Terms and Conditions

Please note the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen’s General Terms and Conditions (GTC).

Download GTC