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Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

Aschaffenburg, Deutschland

Davos, Schweiz

Work data


Oil on canvas


Image: 121,2 × 90,4 × 2 cm
Frame: 137,8 × 107,8 × 7 cm


Bez. l.: "E.L. Kirchner"; verso bemalt mit „Zwei Badende in Wellen”

Accession Number


Catalogue Raisonné

Gordon 369

Acquisition year



The painting “Zwei Frauen auf der Straße” by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner remained in the artist’s possession from its creation in 1914 until 1916. Kirchner gave the work to his art dealer Ludwig Schames, who exhibited it in his Frankfurt gallery in 1916. From 1927, the work was verifiably owned by Paul Westheim. According to Westheim’s recollections, he purchased the painting directly from the artist through Ludwig Schames and it was one of the few paintings in his collection he was able to save during his exile. Westheim, who emigrated to Paris in 1933 and Mexico City in 1942, left his collection with Charlotte Weidler in Germany. Weidler reported to Westheim in 1938 that Kirchner’s work was on its way to London. She had previously tried to sell it through the Berlin art dealers Karl Buchholz and Ferdinand Möller. The painting made its way to England via Carl Ludwig Franck and was kept there by Fred Uhlman, a friend of Westheim’s, until the 1950s. Around 1960, it was once again in the possession of Paul Westheim. The Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen purchased the painting “Zwei Frauen auf der Straße” from Mariana Frenk-Westheim for its holdings in 1981.

Credit line

Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf

  • Figures du Moderne 1905-1914. L'Expressionisme en Allemagne - Dresden, Munich, Berlin, 17.11.1992-20.3.1993, Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris
  • Ernst Ludwig Kirchner: Straßenszenen 1913 - 1915, 18.6.-13.8.1994, Von der Heydt-Museum, Wuppertal
  • Von der "Brücke" zum "Blauen Reiter", 14.9.-14.12.1996, Museum am Ostwall, Dortmund
  • Espressionismo Arte e Società 1909-1923, 5.9.1997-10.1.1998, Palazzo Grassi spa, Venedig
  • Réaccrochage an 2000, 30.12.1999-18.6.2000, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
  • Unser 20. Jahrhundert - Meisterwerke von Picasso bis Beuys, 14.7.-28.10.2000, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf
  • Der Potsdamer Platz / Ernst Ludwig Kirchner und der Untergang Preußens, 26.4.-11.8.2001, Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin
  • Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, 27.6.-20.9.2003, Royal Academy of Arts, London
  • George Grosz. Berlin - New York, 5.5.-29.7.1995, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf
  • Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Retrospektive, 21.4.-24.7.2010, Das Städel - Städelsches Kunstinstitut und Städtische Galerie, Frankfurt
  • Der doppelte Kirchner. Die zwei Seiten der Leinwand, 5.2.-7.11.2015, Kunsthalle Mannheim/Kirchner Museum Davos
  • Großstadtrausch / Naturidyll. Kirchner - Die Berliner Jahre, 9.2.-6.5.2017, Kunsthaus Zürich

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